I haven't posted anything for awhile. Things have changed and those changes are taking some getting use to. It's sometimes hard to know the right path to take. We just have to do the thing we thing is right at the time. I'm usually alone. My children are grown and I'm currently in a long distant relationship which makes me alone here at home most of the time. However, my youngest daughter is with me right now. I don't know how long she will be here. She usually comes and goes as she is a butterfly and moves from place to place whenever and where ever. She has been in every state in the United States, including Hawaii, at one time of the other except Alaska. She is part of the lost generation and it's sad. She is very talented, and she is lots of fun to be around. She is also bipolar and an addict. She is between one addiction and the next right now. I always hold out hope that she will be able to find sobriety, but I also have to know that she may not. I'll do what I can, but she knows this is the last trip home. When she leaves, and she will, she will not be welcome back unless she is sober. This is a hard thing, but necessary for both she and I. I cannot keep propping her up. It hasn't helped in the past and it won't help now or in the future. I have to believe that God is big enough to take care of her, and knows what will be.